Grantee Address
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
United States
This investment supports the American Academy of Perdiatric Dentistry (AAPD) to develop and test a standardized, interprofessionally developed caries-risk assessment (CRA) methodology. Based primarily on key predictive risk factors identified in a general patient medical history, AAPD will leverage data from Nationwide Children’s Hospital to identify global, non-dental factors that correlate to caries risk and integrate a CRA mechanism into an Electronic Health Records (EHR) system. By developing a predictive CRA methodology based on global variables already collected for all patients, this investment will facilitate consistent incorporation of CRA methodologies into the normal course of well-child visits. The focus will shift from oral disease management and control to prevention, resulting in improved oral health outcomes for young children and an increase in care provider engagement in oral health care. $272,953 will support personnel, consultants and contract employees, travel, and data gathering and analysis to survey interdisciplinary teams, develop the CRA tool, and integrate predictive variables into EHR systems. The proposal aligns with the Oral Health 2020 Goal 4 of eradicating dental disease in children.
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