Grantee Address
(New York University) College of Nursing at the College of Dentistry
United States
Continued funding to support the New York University College of Nursing at the College of Dentistry (NYU) Oral Health Nursing Education and Practice program as a national driving force for advancing interprofessional oral health initiatives that engage nursing and other health professions in education, practice, and research collaborations. Activities during implementation will include: expanding the commitment of national nursing stakeholders and supporting oral health undergraduate and graduate nursing education, clinical practice, and policy changes; expanding external interprofessional stakeholder engagement to advance oral health in pregnancy; expanding engagement of external stakeholders relating to oral health needs of older adults including consumer advocacy for older adult dental benefits; and acting as a national interprofessional oral health champion to expand uptake and commitment to advance the national interprofessional oral health movement. NYU activities will align with the Foundation’s focus on eradicating dental disease and promoting the inclusion of oral health in patient-centered care models. Grant funds will support staff guidance of the plan, meeting expenses (including a nursing summit) and other overhead costs associated with the execution of the proposed plan.
Grant Date
Grant Amount