
Grantee Address

United States

Continued funding to support Maine Health to reduce gaps in the care delivery system that affect the oral health of highly vulnerable immigrant and refugee populations in Portland, ME. Activities during implementation will include: increasing access to preventive and restorative care, and to dental homes, among refugees and immigrants in Greater Portland; increasing general knowledge within the immigrant and refugee community about oral health promotion and recommended preventive care, by infusing oral health into the grassroots health promotion efforts by community based organizations; and advocating for increased access to preventive dental care among refugees and immigrants as well as other vulnerable populations. Maine Health’s activities will align with the Foundation’s focus on effective inclusion of oral health in patient-centered care models through systems improvement and community education efforts. Grant funds will support the personnel to execute the outlined activities, communications and other overhead costs related to the plan, and partnerships with key stakeholders to promote oral health literacy and increases access to preventive dental care.
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