
Grantee Address

United Health Organization
United States

This investment supports United Health Organization (UHO) to act as a lead convener in the Detroit community as part of the Grassroots Engagement Strategy. As a long-established, community-based health advocacy organization, UHO seeks to provide a voice for the uninsured while investing in community partnerships that improve access to healthcare. Throughout the grassroots initiative to date, UHO has worked alongside Voices of Detroit Initiative to establish the Wayne County Oral Health Coalition (WCOHC) to educate and advocate for vulnerable and underserved populations to have equitable access to quality affordable oral health that improves overall health. While serving as a backbone entity for the local oral health network, and in partnership with the Michigan Oral Health Coalition, UHO will continue to expand the WCOHC membership; strengthen collaborative efforts between members, other coalitions, and the community at large; educate members, community, medical community and legislators on oral health issues; and advocate for equitable oral health. $100,800 will be used to support UHO’s staff/personnel time to oversee network development, travel, and meeting expenses; in-person and remote convenings; and sub-grants to partner organizations. This proposal aligns with the Oral Health 2020 Goal 6 of improving the public perception of the value of oral health to overall health and the target that oral health is increasingly included in health dialogue and public policy.
Grant Amount