
Grantee Address

Michigan Oral Health Coalition
United States

This investment supports the Michigan Oral Health Coalition as the backbone of the Midwest Collaborative to partner with Oral Health Kansas and the Wisconsin Oral Health Coalition to provide resources, learning opportunities, and technical assistance to 25 local oral health coalitions across the three states. Specifically, each state coalition will strengthen its partnerships with local communities; develop and implement technical assistance plans; continue leadership and capacity building trainings; and convene regional summits to engage key local stakeholders. The regional network focuses on strengthening the core periphery model and facilitating bi-directional communication between its members and national partners, especially the OH2020 network. $408,500 will be used to support the time of three community development specialists assisting in program development and expansion efforts and providing technical assistance to local coalitions; the development of educational webinars, print program materials, advocacy and data reports, and to maintain sections of the three coalitions’ websites; travel for Kansas, Michigan and Wisconsin development activities, trainings, surveys, and presentations; and meeting expenses and other administrative costs associated with the project’s implementation. This proposal aligns with the Oral Health 2020 goal to improve the public perception of the value of oral health to overall health and the target that oral health is increasingly included in health dialogue and public policy.
Grant Amount