Grantee Address
Virginia Oral Health Coalition
United States
This investment supports the Virginia Oral Health Coalition (VaOHC) to stay connected and active in state and national policy and to provide backbone support to the growing network of community advocates involved in the Virginia Oral Health Network. Specifically, VaOHC will develop two more regional oral health networks, bringing the total in the coalition to five; activate the network to advocate for a newly proposed budget amendment to add comprehensive dental benefits to adults enrolled in Medicaid, while at the same time building capacity for ongoing state and federal advocacy efforts; and support continued growth, leadership development, and communication within the network and grassroots partners. With VaOHC's support, the Virginia's oral health network will work collectively toward the Oral Health 2020 goals of integrating oral health into person-centered care, eradicating dental disease in children, and including an adult dental benefit in the state's publicly funded health coverage. $149,543 will support personnel, organizational and stakeholder convening capacity, and other resources necessary to implement the project.
Grant Amount