Grantee Address
Missouri Dental Association Foundation
United States
The Missouri Mission of Mercy (MoM) is a free dental event that will take place in Joplin, Missouri June 9-10, 2017. This year’s event will staffed by nearly 1,000 volunteers and provided dental treatment to over 2,500 Missouri residents. Services were provided free to cost and included: fillings, cleanings, oral cancer screenings, root canals on anterior teeth, treatment partials (flippers) to replace up to 4 missing anterior teeth, extractions and oral health education. The Missouri Dental Association Foundation organizes this MoM not only to address the symptoms of a broken oral healthcare system, but elevates this event as advocacy tool and as a call to action for policymakers and consumer rights groups in Missouri. One of the priorities of the MissouriMission of Mercy is getting as much exposure as possible to the policy makers in the state. They invite all senators and representatives in the state, both federal and statewide, for tours of the event and to volunteer serving their constituents. This event provides a key opportunity to expose decision-makers to oral disease as major issue facing all Missourians.
Grant Amount