
Grantee Address

National Association of Community Health Centers
United States

This investment supports the National Association of Community Health Center (NACHC) to support and promote the role of the safety net setting as a vehicle for change, innovation, and integration of oral health into primary care. Specifically, the National Association of Community Health Center (NACHC) will promote the integration of oral health, primary care, and behavioral health into the Patient Centered Medical Home model of health centers; complete the field testing, analyze, and distribute results from the health centers participating in the Agricultural Worker Children pilot ; and continue to engage in the National Oral Health Innovation and Integration Network (NOHIIN). NACHC serves as the membership organization for health centers across the country and provides training and technical assistance to all health centers through a federal cooperative agreement with HRSA's Bureau of Primary Health Care. Through this work, NACHC will continue to take a clinical leadership role in the area of integrating oral health and primary care, provide ongoing support to PCAs participating in NOHIIN, and disseminate data on the efficacy of incorporating oral health into the care for agricultural farm workers. $175,000 will be used to support personnel and consultants' time necessary for the project's implementation, materials and dissemination costs associated with Monograph/Journal preparation; stipends to health centers participating in the pilot; and other administrative costs associated with the project's implementation.
Grant Amount