
Grantee Address

Missouri Coalition for Oral Health
United States

Missouri: The Missouri Coalition for Oral Health is the state’s leading organization dedicated to improving the oral health of Missourians through sound public policy and public awareness. The Coalition is requesting Executive Director’s Fund support for the annual Oral Health Policy Conference, focused on increasing awareness of the prominence of oral health challenges and aids in further developing a broad and diverse statewide network. The conference will take place March 9 and 10, 2017 in Jefferson City, MO. The 2017 conference theme is “Victories and Challenges.” This year’s timely event, in light of recent federal policy threats, will include a variety of pertinent topics such as: oral health policy at the federal level, including oral health Medicare policy change; maximizing connections that impact oral health status; oral health and the aging population; impact of state sealant programs on child population health; emergency room diversion for oral health care; training dental professionals to serve people with disabilities; update on Missouri oral health by the State Dental Director; overview of the Missouri state budget; and table discussions focused on Missouri’s status regarding Oral Health 2020 goals. Missouri has lead many important policy victories in the past two years, including the restoration of comprehensive adult dental benefits in the state’s Medicaid program. This year’s policy conference will inspire and mobilize health and social justice advocates to protect and defend these recent oral health gains.
Grant Amount