Grantee Address
Virginia Oral Health Coalition
United States
Virginia: This investment supports the Virginia Oral Health Coalition (VaOHC) to convene, facilitate, and provide backbone support for state and regional efforts that support the Oral Health 2020 goals, ensuring that all Virginians have access to oral health services. Specifically, VaOHC will identify and engage stakeholders to participate in oral health efforts in at least three areas of Virginia (South Hampton Roads, Central Virginia, and Northern Virginia); develop and implement recommendations to improve oral health outcomes among school-aged children; participate in policy efforts to improve the infrastructure to better facilitate affordable, comprehensive health care inclusive of oral health; and support alignment among Virginia Oral Health Network members. With VaOHC's support, the Virginia's oral health network will work collectively toward the Oral Health 2020 goals of integrating oral health into person-centered care, eradicating dental disease in children, and including an adult dental benefit in the state's publicly funded health coverage. $205,409 will support the personnel, organizational, and stakeholder convening capacity necessary to implement the project.
Grant Amount