
Grantee Address

State University of Iowa Foundation
United States

This grant builds on work completed in the previous grant year to develop a Patient-Centered Dental Home (PCDH) model, which can be used to incentivize dental providers to demonstrate improvement in dental care quality, oral health outcomes, and coordination with other facets of the health care system. The State University of Iowa has used a highly collaborative and engaged process with a diverse group of experts and professional organizations including the American Dental Association, NASHP, ASTDD, and the CDC. During the previous grant year, the National Advisory Committee developed the definition of a PCDH and its associated characteristics. The focus of this grant renewal is to continue to build a measurable and definable PCDH model. Specifically, the grantee will develop a list of components that should be included in each PCDH characteristic, identify measure concepts for each component, and link existing quality metrics to those measure concepts. Ultimately, the aim is for this PCDH framework to be integrated within Accountable Care Organizations with regard to quality measurement and provider incentives. As the health care system continues to evolve towards a more comprehensive, patient-centered model, it is critical that the role of dental providers in this care model needs to be included. This proposals fills an important gap in the movement towards fully integrated person-centered care delivery. This proposal aligns with the Oral Health 2020 Goal of integrating oral health into person-centered health care and the target that, by 2020, oral health is integrated into at least 50% of emerging person-centered care models. $184,005 will be used to support staff and consultant time necessary for the work's implementation, travel to meet with key stakeholders and attend relevant meetings, costs needed ti conduct quantitative and qualitative interviews of ACO leaders regarding the PCDH model, and other administrative costs associated with the project's implementation.
Grant Amount