Grantee Address
American Academy of Pediatrics/ NJ Chapter
United States
National: Support to the Campaign for Dental Health (CDH), housed in the American Academy of Pediatrics, to help equip public health advocates at the local, state, and national levels to take action on disparity reduction and equity. CDH will do so by supporting community water fluoridation (CWF) efforts across the country. Specifically, CDH will promote and defend CWF within and beyond the network of oral health advocates; expand CDH's online presence and promote Spanish-language CWF resources; collaborate with local, state, and national organizations to elevate the visibility of oral health and raise awareness of the needs of those most affected by dental disease; promote health equity in oral health advocacy; and hold a convening to engage traditional and non-traditional stakeholders in efforts to develop and spread a national CWF strategy. The materials developed by CDH will provide evidence-based information and resources to advocates, community members, and policymakers so that they can make informed decisions and improve the public perception of the value of oral health. The proposed strategy aligns with the Oral Health 2020 goal of eradicating dental disease in children and the target of closing disparity gaps so that 85% of children reach age five without a cavity. $259,420 will be used to support personnel time necessary for the coordination and execution of the proposal.
Grant Amount