Grantee Address
Health Care for All
United States
Massachusetts: This investment supports Health Care for All (HCFA) to continue providing backbone support to the Oral Health Integration Project (OHIP) aimed at integrating oral health into Massachusetts' accountable care organizations (ACOs), focusing on both a reimbursement and care delivery model. Building upon the initiative’s outcomes and achievements in Year 1, the goals of HFCA for Year 2 are to: establish OHIP as the leading voice in and around integration of oral health into Massachusetts' ACOs; continue expanding and supporting an effective coalition of diverse stakeholders committed to advocating for the integration of medical and dental care delivery; conduct and monitor research to bolster support of oral health integration in the state; develop and implement a policymaker education campaign; developing an outreach and media strategy in order to create momentum for policymakers; and promote the lessons learned around oral health integration in state health reform for advocates and policymakers as a model across the country. The proposal will help advance the systems change outcome of integrating oral health into all aspects of healthcare and ensuring that oral health is a component of health policy. The proposed initiative aligns with the Oral Health 2020 goal of integrating oral health into person-centered healthcare and the target that oral health is integrated into at least 50% of emerging person-centered care models. $594,761 will primarily support staff leading this work, stakeholders who have the capacity and are committed to moving forward strategy and coalition development, as well as convenings and travel associated with the implementation of this initiative.
Grant Amount