Grantee Address
United States
MNOHP was begun in 2013 in seven counties in Southwest Minnesota (Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood and Rock). The thrust of the project from the start has been to engage community members to learn more about oral health and caries prevention so that they will collectively address the caries crisis affecting their high-risk children. MNOHP has been successfully bringing awareness of the caries crisis to southwest MN. In order to educate community members, MNOHP has begun a collaboration with the local Kiwanis, Lyons, and Rotary clubs whose "Reason for Being" is children and community. With the information gained from this experience, the project expects to expand to other Greater Minnesota counties. The ultimate goal of MNOHP using DentaQuest Foundation Executive Director’s Funds, in conjunction with support from the Sanford Health System, will ensure that all Primary Care Medical Provider (PCMP) clinics will be providing carries prevention services (CPS). Community members in the involved MN counties will be more aware and knowledgeable about the caries crisis and the ways that caregivers and medical and dental providers must work together to minimize caries among high risk children.
Grant Amount