Grantee Address
Oregon Primary Care Association
United States
Oregon: This investment supports the Oregon Primary Care Association (OPCA) to implement its final year of field testing and refinement of a toolkit to integrate oral health into the patient-centered medical home model within the safety net setting. Specifically, in partnership with Qualis Health, OPCA will work with its five member health centers to field test Quails materials: Oral Health in Primary Care – PCMH Implementation Tools; provide technical assistance to its member health centers as they are improving the effectiveness and sustainability of oral health integration in primary care in their sites; and imbed legislative advocacy to improve patient access to oral health services and spread best practices related to oral health integration into primary care across the state. A highlighted success during the first year of the project was all five pilot teams developed a unique workflow that incorporated the Oral Health Integration Framework. Four out of the five pilot sites successfully began testing their full workflow by using it with their identified target populations by the completion of year one. Additionally, pilot sites were able to begin standardized data collection with existing EMR (electronic medical record) reports and manually through chart audits. Focus for the first half of project year 2 (months 13-18) is to complete the 18 month pilot project, which includes testing and utilize the Oral Health Integration Guide within the primary care setting. During the 2nd six months of funding (months 19-24), OPCA will continue to support the project sites in the form of coaching and ad-hoc technical assistance as they work to spread the work across their respective organizations. Additionally, OPCA will begin to introduce this framework and pilot findings along with the final implementation guide to other interested PCA members. Oral Health 2020 investment in the amount of $185,401 will support personnel and consultant time associated with the field testing implementation and refinement of the toolkit; travel and meeting expenses necessary to provide individualized onsite assessment, facilitation, and technical assistance; and support to individual clinics participating in this project. This proposal aligns with the Oral Health 2020 Goal of integrating oral health into person-centered healthcare, with a 2020 target of oral health being integrated into at least 50% of person-centered care models.
Grant Amount