Grantee Address
Florida Public Health Institute d/b/a Florida Institute for Health Innovation
United States
Florida: Support to the Florida Institute for Health Innovation (FIHI) to continue to strengthen the Florida Oral Health Alliance, focusing on three key implementation areas prioritized by a group of broad-based multi-sector stakeholders of the Alliance: raising public awareness of the value of oral health, overcoming barriers to dental care and advancing state policy to support the incorporation of oral health into the primary educations system, and eradicating dental disease in children. Specific objectives of this project include facilitating and supporting "high action high alignment" of the Alliance network in order to design and implement strategies for oral health improvement; facilitating creation of policy change goals and strategies aimed at improving oral health outcomes for vulnerable children; facilitating development of oral health messaging tools and strategies that meet the community need for information and knowledge; and increasing awareness of barriers to oral health care for vulnerable children and their families in Florida. Through the Florida Alliance, FIHI will align stakeholder interests, including those most affected by disparities, to achieve the result that “All Florida children, youth, and families have good oral health and well-being, especially those that are vulnerable.” The proposal aligns with the Oral Health 2020 goals of eradicating dental disease in children, incorporating oral health into the primary education systems, and improving the public perception of the value of oral health to overall health. The work will primarily focus on engagement of families, communities, and care providers. $201,301 will support the personnel and stakeholder convening capacity needed to implement the project.
Grant Amount