
Grantee Address

Health Resources in Action
United States

Massachusetts: Support to Health Resources in Action (HRiA) to retain the community water fluoridation (CRW) campaign organizer thorough June 30, 2016, in order to ensure the successful completion of One Smile Brockton CRW campaign in Brockton, Massachusetts. Thanks to the work done by HRiA and One Smile Brockton in 2015, the Brockton Board of Health cast unanimous vote to order water fluoridation. Next, the Brockton City Council must vote to implement water fluoridation, at which point the city's public water supply will become fluoridated at an optimal level. The campaign organizer will conitue consistent outreach, education, and engagement of stakeholders needed to support a positive vote on water fluoridation, a vote that is expected to take place in mid-2016. The work aligns with Oral Health 2020 goal of eradicating dental disease in children and the target that, by 2020, 85% of children reach age five without a cavity. $20,653 will be used to cover community organizer's salary, printing and design of outreach materials, travel, and any administrative and financial expenses associated with this project.
Grant Amount