Grantee Address
California Community Foundation
United States
This investment supports the California Community Foundation (CCF), through a co-funding opportunity, to support a community health center association in developing integrated behavioral health, oral health, and primary care quality of care dashboards. The Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County (CCALAC) represents a network of member clinics, including FQHCs and look-alikes, that serve underserved, uninsured, and underinsured populations in Los Angeles. There is currently no established set of core measures adopted by CCALAC members providing oral health services. The development of a dashboard for oral health will expand the current set of indicators monitored on a monthly basis, lead to standardized metrics that support public accountability and comparisons across clinics, and will lay the groundwork for future policy levers that can be moved forward on a statewide basis. $75,800 will be used to support personnel time to identify participating clinics, identify and report on shared metrics for dental services, and develop oral health dashboards integrated with dashboards for primary and behavioral health; design and participation in ongoing collaboration across clinics; travel in support of the work's implementation; and associated implementation costs. This proposal aligns with the Oral Health 2020 Goal to build a comprehensive national oral health measurement system and the target that by 2020, a national and state-based oral health measurement system is in place.
Grant Amount