Grantee Address
Virginia Oral Health Coalition
United States
Virginia: Support to the Virginia Oral Health Coalition (VaOHC) to integrate oral health into person-centered healthcare by continuing to grow and empower the oral health network, advocating for improvements in state-level infrastructure, and enhancing provider and community engagement. In particular, VaOHC's work will impact effective care models, emphasizing pediatric, perinatal, and person-centered care, and family and individual engagement, with strong involvement from DentaQuest Foundation's grassroots grantee organizations based in Virginia. With VaOHC's support, the Virginia's oral health network will work collectively toward the Oral Health 2020 target of integrating oral health into at least 50% of emerging person-centered care models. In addition, it will also work on building the infrastructure for an extensive Medicaid adult dental benefit in the future. $193,940 will support the personnel, organizational, and stakeholder convening capacity necessary to implement the project.
Grant Amount