
Grantee Address

Trustees of Tufts College: Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
United States

National: Support to the Trustees of Tufts College: Tufts University School of Dental Medicine (TUSDM) to develop a strategy focused on medical-dental integration in a school-based setting. Specifically, TUSDM will create a new medical-dental collaborative practice curriculum required for dental students and pediatric residents, focused on the care of children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD), changing how care providers learn and practice; and develop a network of non-dental providers engaged in the development of an electronic toolkit demonstrating best practices in the oral health care of children with I/DD. This interprofessional initiative will add to the collective set of tools, resources, and knowledge necessary to support networks in the promotion of systems chance, specifically improving health and health equity for individuals with disabilities. It will help advance the systems change outcome of integrating oral health into all aspects of healthcare and ensuring consumer-focused care delivery. The proposal aligns with the Oral Health 2020 goals of eradicating dental disease in children and integrating oral health into person-centered health care. $188,546 will support staff time and consultant services associated with coordinating this initiative, student incentives, supplies, as well as focus group and travel expenses.
Grant Amount