Grantee Address
Northeastern University
United States
Massachusetts: Support to the Northeastern University (NEU) to launch a comprehensive interprofessional education and practice (IPE/IPP) implementation toolkit, which will include tested strategies and resources to facilitate the integration of oral health education and practice in academic and clinical practice organizations. Building on NEU�s Year 1 and Year 2 IPE/IPP outcomes, NEU will develop, evaluate, and disseminate this implementation toolkit, as well provide leadership and technical assistance for building workforce capacity in oral health through IPE/IPP. The toolkit will serve as an implementation roadmap for expanding care provider and network engagement in oral health, and strengthening educational resources to support integration of oral health education and practice. The target audience for the toolkit includes multidisciplinary health professions: medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, applied psychology, physical therapy, speech language pathology and audiology, public health, health sciences, nursing, physician assistant studies, and health informatics. Specific systems outcomes addressed by this project include the integration of oral health into all aspects of health care. $258,443 will support personnel time associated with the development and dissemination of the toolkit, consultants time associated with the creation of the interactive online modules for the toolkit and the preparation of the toolkit for publication, travel expenses necessary to conduct outreach to stakeholders, marketing, and administrative costs associated with the implementation of this work. This proposal aligns with the Oral Health 2020 environmental support of advancing interprofessional education and coordinated care.
Grant Amount