Grantee Address
Oral Health Kansas, Inc.
United States
Kansas: Support to Oral Health Kansas in its role as lead convenor of the Kansas Team Oral Health 2020 Project, a comprehensive collective impact proposal, focused on achieving multiple key Oral Health 2020 targets in the state. Through mutually reinforcing activities, linked together by continuous communication, using common measures to gauge progress, united under a common agenda, this collaborative effort is designed to result in statewide improvements across the lifespan. This proposal aligns with the Oral Health 2020 Targets/Supports of: At least 30 states have a comprehensive adult Medicaid dental benefit in place; a comprehensive national and state-based oral health measurement system is in place; 75% of children reach age 5 without a cavity; and, advancing interprofessional education and coordinated care. $570,595 will be used to support staff time, consultants, and travel associated with implementing the work.
Grant Amount