Grantee Address
Children's Dental Health Project
United States
National: Support to the Children�s Dental Health Project (CDHP) to lay the groundwork to strengthen federal and state oral health measurement systems through stakeholder input and priority-setting. As part of this project, CDHP - working in collaboration with the Association of State and Territorial Directors (ASTDD) - will create a common and comprehensive understanding of existing measures of population oral health; gather and analyze stakeholder input about the strengths and limitations of existing systems, and priorities for reform; and develop a report with recommendations to inform future planning. The proposed work will help build a network of engaged stakeholders, determine this network�s priorities, and provide policy makers with new information to strengthen the oral health measurement system. $89,504 will support the staffing, consultant services, and convening capacity necessary to implement the project. The proposal aligns with the Oral Health 2020 goal of having a comprehensive national measurement system and the target that by 2020 there are national and state-based oral health measurement systems in place.
Grant Amount