Grantee Address
Marshall University Research Corporation
West Virginia
United States
West Virginia: Support to the Marshall University (MU) Research Corporation to expand the reach of the West Virginia Oral Health Coalition (WVOHC) by establishing four regional coalitions. The mission of these four coalitions will be to initiate oral health education, prevention, and control activities, as well as to act as an arm of the WVOHC within their respective counties. Key stakeholders in these regional coalitions will be trained to implement evidence-based programs (EBPs), thus internalizing the EBPs into their routine practice protocols. Strategies will be aimed at improving children�s oral health care access and eliminating oral health disparities. The proposal aligns with the Oral Health 2020 Eradicate dental disease in children of eradicating dental disease in children and the target of having 75% of children reach age 5 without a cavity. $175,800 will cover personnel time, travel, meeting expenses, consultants, and communication, as well as four mini-grants to the regional coalitions.
Grant Amount