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July 1, 2021
Teeth. They’re gross, yet there is such an importance placed on them. It might seem like basic hygiene but it’s a luxury that some are left out of. The fact is, caring for teeth and going to the dentist can be costly even with insurance.
Still, that’s one of the first things that people notice: teeth. Have a date? Make sure those teeth look like pearls. Going to a job interview? Hope for the best.
Of those who have Medicare, 37 million beneficiaries have no dental coverage, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit organization. In a survey by CareQuest Institute for Oral Health, nearly 6 million Americas lost dental insurance during the pandemic. Still, it’s never brought up. Though the jokes made about Appalachian hillbillies and their teeth (or lack of) are still being made, some people don’t seem to understand that dental coverage and affordability is a privilege for some, even still.